Milford Senedd Committees
Milford Senedd Groups (Pupil Engagement Groups)
Prioryville – Year 3-6
- To develop enterprising and creative learners through providing authentic and real pupil voice across the school for each and every learner, which they lead.
- To create ambitious and capable learners through creating opportunities for learners to action ideas and improve the area they are involved within.
- To develop ethically informed Citizens, who can evaluate needs in their council and take steps to improve these for our school and community.
- To create healthy, confident individuals through learners taking responsibility for initiatives at the school and promoting these to all stakeholders.
Logistics and Operation:
- There will be 6 councils in total, these will be:
- Community Champions
- Courageous Councillors
- Global Gang
- Digi Wizards
- Healthy Habits Council
- Criw Cymraeg
- Pupils will all be given an opportunity to apply for the council of their choice.
- The pupils will be assigned to each of the 6 councils and will meet weekly.
- At least three members of staff will be assigned to each group.
- When deemed necessary by the teachers, the groups will come together. This may be to share messages with all learners, share work undertaken, agree on next steps., etc…
- There will be one Action Plan for the group to be completed in November with pupils and revisited half termly.
- Teachers will liaise on the ideas and work to be undertaken in the plan by each group to ensure limited duplication.
- Chair/Vice and Senior Committee members are encouraged to take ownership of the plan and be a part of reviewing progress against the actions set out.
- To start Chair/Vice and Senior Committee members will be expected to share an outline of their plans at assembly and speak in front of Governors/Visitors. as this evolves, other pupils will be given this opportunity.